If you are a registered patient you can complain about your own care. You are unable to complain about someone else’s treatment without their written authority.

We look to settle complaints as soon as possible. We will acknowledge receipt within 3 working days, and aim to have looked into the matter within 20 working days. You may then receive a formal reply in writing, or you may be invited to meet with the person(s) concerned to attempt to resolve the issue. If the matter is likely to take longer than this we will let you know, and keep you informed as the investigation progresses.

When looking into a complaint we attempt to see what happened and why, to see if there is something we can learn from this, and make it possible for you to discuss the issue with those involved if you would like to do so. When the investigations are complete we will send you a response letter which will include details of the result of your complaint and also your right to escalate the matter further if you remain dissatisfied with the response.


Still Unhappy?

If you have already made a complaint to the Practice and you are not happy with the outcome, you have the right to approach the Ombudsman. The contact details are available on their website

Patients who have a comment or complaint about a GP practice which cannot be resolved locally with the practice manager or which relate to dentists, opticians or hospitals, can contact NHS England via their website